Sunday, November 4, 2012

#23 TO OUR AMERICAN FRIENDS, please, vote Obama

Dear American friend,
On Tuesday, you will vote for the next Presidential mandate. Maybe you don’t know, but the US President has the power to change the destiny of billions of people in all the countries of our beloved Earth.
That’s why I’m writing to you. We need to confirm Barack Obama at the White House. We need it for the following reasons:
1-PEACE: the world doesn’t need more wars, but a President able to solve the disputes diplomatically
2-HUMAN RIGHTS: I’m talking about health care for everyone, about the right for every woman to make choices about pregnancy/abortion related issues and about the right of everyone to marry whoever they want
3-ECONOMY: Romney’s plan resembles Bush practices, which brought the world economy to the crisis everybody knows (yesterday the German chancellor – Angela Merkel – said that this crisis will last 5 more years); we need new rules to control the stock market
4-ENVIRONMENT: the scientists agree that many of the serious climatic events America (and the world) is experiencing are caused by global warming; the President of the United States must raise awareness about the consequences of using fossil fuels and help to boost the green economy.

Thank you
Enrico and Alice

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